Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Frocks & Fascinators

There are some clever peeps in this world and I met  a number of them in a little photography workshop I ran as part of the "Make Craft your Business" at the Thornbury Women's Neighbourhood House.  

One of the attendees, Katie Marley  of "Frocked" makes Fascinators.   I couldn't resist this little white one to wear to a Ball.  I loved the piece for its true simplicity as opposed to the more flamboyant styles seen during the spring racing season.

Katie's talents don't end there.  She also makes stunning hand dyed and printed hoisery.  You can view more of Katie's work and shop here.

1 comment:

  1. The fascinator looks great ! Well done Katie! I love her hoisery, so very talented.
    Thanks for giving us your time at the "Make Craft your Business" course. Cheers, Dee
